Our Team

Our Founders

Doug Pierce

Founder & Executive director


Marcia Pierce

Co- Founder & administration/Finances


Our Founders, Doug and Marcia Pierce, have a passion to see people impacted with the Truth of Who God is. Because of their desire to see people grow in their Identity in Christ, they have given up their lives to know God and to make Him known. They both over the last 5 years have given up their careers and gone into full time missions to pursue the vision God has given them. They have traveled to many countries together as a family and have gotten to see God work miraculously in the world around them. Once God had shown them what He had in store for them, they returned to their hometown. As they were praying and fasting about what and where God had for them to “Go” and serve, God spoke to them both and said: “Let the vision I gave you bear fruit here where I rooted it.” Since then, Doug and Marcia spend each day focused on how they can impact the their community, their outreach measures to the rest of the world, and their growth as a team/ministry. Together, they facilitate, lead, and direct the Administration, Operation, and Executive decision making of VSM.

“When we stand before God, we want to hear Him say; “Well done, good and faithful servants. You have been faithful.”


Full-Time Staff


Noah Johnson

Full-time staff


Aidan Williams

Full-time staff


Mason Schneider

Full-time staff


Rebekah Knute

Full-time staff



There are many people who have come in contact with VSM throughout the years, and by Gods leading some have even joined the ministry themselves. Noah Johnson, Mason Schneider, Aidan Williams, and Rebekah Knute are four that through the years of watching what God has been doing through VSM, have chosen to join the VSM team in the vision to impact the world. These four young people have dedicated their lives to growing in relationship with God, Sharing about what He has done, and Seeing their community impacted by His power. They spend their time fulfilling a multitude of things within the ministry to facilitate its growth and expansion. They regularly spend time connecting with Middle school, High School, and college students to set an example of what it looks like to walk out their Sonship and Daughterhood in Christ. They also serve people through physical work, service projects, praying for people, sharing their testimonies, and buidling relationships with people. They also each individually handle different departments of the ministry under the leadership of their Director (Doug Pierce).

Summer Internship

Do you wish you had something exciting to do each summer? Have you ever watched a young kid find success in something they love? Do you desire to have something in your life that gives back to others? Well, all of these things are found through our summer internship program! Through the many things we do each summer including Surf Camps, Skate camps, Yard service, Bible studies, etc. We seek to bring love to each persons life in a genuine way. Check out our page and join us now!


In 1 Timothy chapter 3, Paul talks about the requirements and expectations of an elder. As a ministry seeking to advance the Gospel and to do so in the most Biblical way possible, we look at our board of directors in a very similar light. It is our desire to grow a board that is established with Godly leaders both in the communities they live and amongst their friends and family. We believe our board should be individuals who live lives above reproach, are worthy of respect, that know the Word, have a strong Biblical worldview, and can hold our staff and leaders to the same accord.

ADAM RICKER // Richmond Hill, GA // Pastor - Waterfront Church

DOUG PIERCE// Brunswick, GA // Executive Director - VSM

CONNOR BURKE// Brunswick, GA // Licensed Realtor - Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

BRAD WALKER// Brunswick, GA // CEO - Brad Walker Appraisal Services, Inc. & Walker Realty, Inc.